Thursday, August 1, 2019

Processing Day & Practice Day 4

Alarm, shower & the usual fine Breakfast at 7am.

I had some paper work to complete then we loaded up and headed to the main site for a practice flight. I tried to get a hold of John to let him know the days plans but no joy via messenger. 
Michi is loaded and ready to go.
A relaxed morning as we waited for our chance to fly. Kelly and I headed over to the registration table and we are first in line... actually there was no line! Paola check over the team's submissions and we settled our account. Documents checked and copied, welcome items received and we were done. 

Kelly at the registration desk.
Back at the flight line the guys finally took to the sky. Michi was up first and flew his back up Accuracy in order to get it trimmed and ready should his primary have an issue. John arrived and was the best dressed guy on the field with his Team Canada 🇨🇦 uniform on! He rocked it.

John called for Henry who then put up a solid flight with a nice relaxed pace.  He looked rested and very comfortable on the flight line this morning. 

Chad was up next and had his best P-19 round since his arrival. Very solid flight all around and I have no trouble saying he is flying the best that I have witnessed.
Flightline A - Judges station
Looking West
Ready box/pit area.
 We then stayed and had a nice buffet lunch at the restaurant. Great selection of foods to try out. After that we relaxed and I took some pictures of various planes until it was our turn to process.
This thing is huge!!!

They started calling for Canada about 20 minutes ahead of our planed processing time. Even though most of the guys had the planes ready we pushed back on the demand. Chad was still assembling his B model as Michi’s was weighed and measured. 

Enrico measures Michi's back up.
Henry and John await their turn.
New stickers for Henry's Fantasista
 Our planes were all properly sticker for removable parts and the FAI Stickers attached but they had new stickers with competitors unique ID and either model A or B. This created a bit of a problem as Michi was flying Model "K" as his primary and Chad had his Model "C" as his primary.  “We have no K or C so you must change” was the instructions from the officials.  Ok so we did that but we were able to change Michi’s to a “K”....  but not Chad’s so it has double stickers.

M Akimoto
Weights          Plane "K"  4995gr     Plane "B" 4915gr
Sound             Plane "K" 88.5db with APC  Plane "B" 86.9 with Falcon
H Piorun
Weights         Plane "A"  4960gr      Plane "B" 4930gr
Sound = Plane A 92.2db with Falcon Contra  Plane B 89.1db with Falcon Contra

C Northeast
Weights        Plane "A" (also C) 4880gr    Plane "B" 4895gr
Sound           Plane "A" (also C) 82.3db with APC   Plane "B" 85.4db with APC

All planes met the measurement requirements except for the spinner dimensions. This is the first time they have checked this and the contras will all fail this test due to the hub design.  I suspect they are not enforcing this as they all “passed” 🤷‍♂️
Chad's voltage is checked.
Sound and voltage checks all passed with Henry’s Element hitting the hi mark at 92.2db  (max 94.0db) and Chad had the lowest with Model B only hitting 82.3 on the sound meter.

Once processing was completed we posed for a team photo before packing up and heading back to the Airbnb. Michi stayed behind to get another flight in and converse with the Japanese team. 

Team Canada

We walked up the street and ordered pizza then brought it back to our Airbnb. Michi arrived back but opted for sushi at the local establishment. 
The long day came to an end... off to bed.

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